Friday, April 23, 2010

Lame Blogger

I've become such a lame blogger! I wish I had something awesome, inspiring or at least funny to post. I don't...sorry.
A few hundred dollars later and Killer is back! I hate car repairs and would rather spend hundreds of dollars on furniture or a purse, but it is what it is. We are thankful to have a car and glad that it didn't cost more. By the way, I really LOVE Christian Brothers Automotive-the one near me has amazing people working there who are honest and try to save the customer money.
The job hunt is still on! This has been a pretty frustrating week. Please pray especially for George. Pray that he will have hope, wisdom to know what to do and favor.
Happy weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you remember how killer got the name killer?
I do. We were driving to get some pizza when all the sudden a big truck coming from the other side of the road hit a deer, it flew under your car at light speed(leaving a bit o hair in the grill if i remember correctly).

The Deer put up a fight once it was fully pinned under your majestic blue car. The kicks to the floorboards were ear deafening.

Im not sure if it was the impact of the truck or the battle after that did in the deer, but my heart tells me that Killer's pure motive of protecting us drove the final sufficating blow to once said animal.

Cheers to you killer.