Tuesday, February 9, 2010

An update...

I'm slacking in my blogging lately. Oh well, life is wonderfully busy and fabulously less dramatic!
The job search is in full swing! The job seekers network at our church wasn't quite the best fit, so we are searching alone for the time being. G didn't really fit into their box of what a job seeker is, wants and needs. If someone doesn't understand or even sympathize with the whole new immigrant thing, then they tend to do more harm than good and be a discouragement. We don't need that right now! The down side of not going to the job thing anymore is that my dad spent time taking George and that was SO SWEET! I would hear how wonderful my dad is about as much as I heard about the actual job meeting! Adorable! We are very thankful for the support we get from my family.
We have tremendous faith that God will show us what to do and come through for us. We also understand it may not be as fast as we'd like or look the way we think it will. Before G arrived, the thought of both of us looking for work and how two new jobs would logistically fit in was pretty daunting. However, now that he's here-those worries are on the back burner! Please pray with us that God would provide the perfect jobs for both of us and that the transportation (1 car, 1 driver, 2 people going to 2 jobs) would work out smoothly!
It is cold! Not snow on the ground cold, like the DC area, but for an African and Texan...it's about as bad!
Things are so wonderful right now. I know it's the honeymoon phase and whatever, but truly, life is good now that we are together. I hope I always remember the struggle and prayers to have George here and never take it for granted. My worst of days when he's here are still better than my best days when we were apart. I'll stop the mushy stuff now.
Our wedding photographer is uploading pictures tonight and I am SO excited!! He posted one and it beautiful! You can see both of us! George is brown, not black and I am my normal white, not a ghost. Amazing. I'm so pumped! We have empty frames waiting for wedding pictures and I can't wait to fill them.
George is discovering new American things everyday and I love watching it. Last night, he pumped gas for me since it was so cold-it was quite the sight! G had only gotten the run through on how to pump gas once (it's all full-service in Ghana with OLD gas pumps) and the station we went to had new machines. I was particularly classy, twisted around in the driver seat shouting directions to him through the back window which was open about 2 inches-I had to shout because he couldn't hear me otherwise. When he finished, all we could do was laugh, it truly could have been a comedy sketch! He also discovered Jerry Springer (I didn't know that was still on!) Dr. Phil and Oprah yesterday. Thankfully, he didn't like any of them!


Kristen said...

so glad you guys are doing well! we will pray for the job/transportation situation. any specific job or a specific field george is looking to get in to?

BartleyFamily said...

Have you guys ever heard of Cares by Apartment Life? Its a Christian ministry that puts couples into apartment complexes to coordinate resident events and also to reach out to the un-churched people there. It doesn't pay but rent is pretty much free...you can get more info at www.caresteam.org
My husband and I have done cares for 3 years here in Austin and it has supplemented our income while I stay at home with our kids.

Sorry for the advice...blog stalking is one thing...unsolicited advice from blog stalkers is another :( but I couldn't help it :)

Sister Beta said...

Kristen- G is pretty open about what job he could get, at the same time he didn't work hard for his degree not to use it. He has a BA in African Studies and his experience/internships are in International Affairs/Relations and humanitarian type stuff. Surprisingly tough for Austin.

Bartley Family- I love it when a stalker comes to light! Thanks for the comment! We considered CARES when G was supposed to come early summer last year. Since that didn;t work and there was so much going on, we dropped it. It's a good thing to think about now though. Do y'all like it? Is it as good as it sounds?

BartleyFamily said...

I regretted leaving the note after I left it b/c I figured you guys might be sick of advice...but I'm glad it might be helpful. The short answer is yes we like it and yes it is as good as it sounds, but it is also hard work. I'd be more than happy to share my "cares" experience with you if you decide you want to think about pursuing it again...my email is jenniferlbartley@yahoo.com
Creepy, now I do sound stalkerish... :)