Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Is this...normal?

I think we are finding our normal. I'm shocked and very thankful!
We are still searching for jobs and that is still a HUGE prayer request for us and at times, worrisome. However, we balance that with the joy of being together, the blessing of having our needs taken care of and the realization that LOTS of people need jobs. This is a normal part of our normal life. :)
We have begun entertaining and it is so much fun! On Saturday we had our friends A and M over and it was such a blessing! George and M are getting closer and it's so good for them! We women love to watch them interact-it's very funny and so cute! I've never understood why people seek out friends who are just like themselves. I always thought it was boring and closed minded. I still feel that way, but I also think it's great to have some friends who are very similar. My friend A and I over the past several years have become a little more like one another and there is something comforting in that. A is bi-racial and her fiance M is from Italy. Having friends who really get the adjustment of moving from one country to another (as well as the stress it takes to have kept up that LD relationship), and the racism we have recently experienced is a real blessing! [Side note: I had hopes that in this progressive world, especially having so many Christian friends, that racism would not be something we dealt with. I was wrong.] Last night we got to hang out with them again when the guys played indoor soccer-too much fun!
Then on Sunday, after we had pretty much the best church service EVER, my parents came over and we had a very fun Raclette meal. If you don't know what Raclette is, click the hyperlink. When I visited my friends in Germany, we had a Raclette dinner and it was so cool. As a wedding gift, they gave us our very own grill and we are so excited!
Our huge news for Central TX is that it is SNOWING!! This is the biggest/most snow we have had in this area for at least 25 years. G is loving it and I'm excited too! It's very pretty.
This week is my sister's wedding (That's right, mine was a month ago and hers is this week. For those of you counting, my parents have married off 5 of their children in 21 months). We are excited to help and host my family at our apt after the event (though I'm ready for weddings to stop!). We have this weird tradition of getting together after a wedding. We eat fried chicken, unwind and talk about the day. It sounds weird once I write it, but I'm excited that we get to host!
So I think that's it, we sound more like a boring married couple now than the dramatic, bi-continental couple we were before....awesome!

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