Wednesday, February 17, 2010

1 month

Today is the one month mark since G has been in America! I can hardly believe it! Now that we have begun our forever, we don't really count days or anything, but I wrote this date on my calendar a while ago. ;)
Things are really wonderful! So much has happened in such a short amount of time and we are truly blessed. It feels so normal to be together here and to be living life, it shocks me that it's been such a short amount of time. This has been a packed month for George especially. He has experienced so much and has handled everything so well! I knew he would do well, but he has surprised me with how smoothly and quickly he has taken up life here. What a man!
The job hunt continues, we have faith and hope for good things to come! Please keep praying.
We are settling in just great and we may or may not be turning into homebodies! Ha! G is great at helping me be more water and electricity conscious, which for an American, I already was and I now find myself telling other people to turn the water off! He is a huge help around the house (I hardly do dishes, never iron and don't really clean the bathroom anymore) and he ALWAYS makes me laugh! Life is so fabulously different. Aside from just being in the same place- we are enjoying cooking together, grocery shopping, going to the gym (I have joined the ranks of really awesome wives who do their workout time and watch their husband for the rest...I like that system) making life plans and watching the Olympics! Life is so good and we are very blessed.

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