Saturday, October 18, 2014

My turn

Mostly, my posts are about the kids. So now it's time for a Me post.

I have 30 POUNDS to lose. T-H-I-R-T-Y! I didn't gain as much this pregnancy, but after I weaned M, I put on a few pounds & then when I was sick & on antibiotics for months, I put on a few more-so I started heavier but have the same "skinny" as my goal. Some days, I'm okay with that, I tell myself "Little by little, you have done it, you can do it, you will do it!" other days, I am staring at the edge of complete and total depression over it. I have 4 stretchy dresses and a pair of jeggings that fit me. I lost weight a lot faster after M and my body was just different-I could fit into my jeans much faster even though I still had a lot of weight to lose. I'm working on being grateful for an amazing body that grew this awesome human being, rather than focusing on how "fat" I am...but it is constantly on my mind. I eat for fuel, not fun. I log everything I eat & I walk or get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. I have a long road ahead.

George and I are going to a wedding in a week! It's our first date post-Delali! I am excited and nervous and a little bummed that none of my really pretty things fit me...and since I'm not drinking alcohol or eating any dairy, the food and beverage part of this event is not that awesome for me. At least George will enjoy!

G & I have watched all 5 seasons of Royal Pains on Netflix in the last 5 or 6 weeks. Sheesh! What else do you do during evening cluster feedings? We need another show to binge watch together. We did Greys Anatomy when I was pregnant w/ M & Parenthood (up to current) during bed rest w/ D. Any suggestions?

I really love being a mom, but I wish I was better at the whole package. Like I wish I could be the mom who fully parented & engaged her kids AND made homemade organic granola bars AND did awesome crafty things AND had a spotless house AND was really good at play dates AND...AND...Seasons I guess. Right now, I've got the kids covered, manage hair & makeup for myself daily & mostly have a clean house & cooked dinners. Laundry gets washed but it piles up clean. I'm a work in progress...or the Queen of Unrealistic Expectations. I get those confused sometimes. If we lived in Ghana, I would have house help.

George has wanted a King size bed since he came to America. I thought he was crazy-we aren't really big people. Now, I want one & I want it now. Ha!

I used to have a ton of really cute shoes! Now, they are all wearing out at once. I know, life is so hard, boo hoo.

If I had a lot of discretionary money and time, I would get mink eyelash extensions. Yes I would!

I am a Highly Sensitive Person. How did I not know this before?

Even though the move has been very, very hard for Makafui, I'm loving our house. I love the hardwood floors, I love that the sink has a sprayer! I love the full size fridge & dishwasher. I love, love, love the garage. I love the neighborhood & our evening walks. I love that we have windows on FOUR sides. I love the laundry room, I love our linen closet & I really love our landlady.

Even though I LOVE our house, I'm already praying for our next home. This is our 5th home since we got married & I really hope our next one will be the last one for a very, very long time! 

I'm meeting nice people at church & MOPS & in my neighborhood, but I'm having trouble forming real MOPS group is set up differently than my last & it doesn't leave much time for fellowship. I miss my old group...a lot. People are so busy & it's hard to be vulnerable & get to know someone. I need to work on that too.

My husband is a rock star! He does not like to be made much of, but he's just awesome. He's doing so great at work & he is such a wonderful friend & support to me & he is an awesome Daddy to our kiddos. I am so blessed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bop, Modern Family is a great show to binge watch. I miss you guys and need some time to hang with M!