Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Makafui's Turn

Makafui has been killing me lately with the stuff he says! I swear he's 2 going on 15!

Not long ago, he was Break Dancing (like legit dance moves) while my mom was over. I said, "Are you showing off?" He kept dancing while he answered, "Yeah, I'm showing off." Then he stopped, looked Gigi in the eye and said, "This is what I have to do for attention."

After getting out of bed again, George and I exclaimed, "Makafui, go. to. bed." his response? "STOP BULLING ME!" I have no idea where he heard the word bully or came to understand what it means.

I hate guns. Hate them, hate them, hate them. We let him have a very toy-ish water gun during the summer, but just called it a "squirter". Now he thinks all guns are called squirters, only he says it "skirter". I just crack up when I hear his grown up chatter that includes skirters..."Does the police car man have a skirter? Why does he have a skirter?" He still doesn't get what a gun is and I like it that way!

Delali has not gotten old yet. He is still enamored with her. I get a play by play all the time, "Mom! She opened her eyes!!" "Mom! She tooted!" "Mom! She's looking around!"

We hear a lot of, "I wanna do it all by myself." & "No! It's my turn!"

We should really be muuuuch more careful about what we say around him-he only needs to hear something once to hang onto it! The other day I sarcastically told G, "Oh lovely, our neighbor is in his kitchen with his shirt off." George responded, "So, I do the same thing." "Yeah, well the difference is, you're hot & he has man boobs." {yes, there's all kinds of wrong with that convo} Makafui heard us & before I knew it, he was singing a song about man boobs!

He loves to FaceTime! Half of the conversation he gives a nausea inducing tour of his favorite things & the other half he makes faces at himself.

He knows he is funny & loves to say, "Are you kidding me?!" because it almost always gets a laugh.

If you ask him his favorite color, he'll tell you Spider-Man.

I don't know where he got it, but the boy has picked up a little southern twang. Instead of sad or bear, he says say-ad & bay-er. Ha!

He has learned that I don't eat things with milk in them anymore & purposefully picks treats at the store that he won't have to share..."Does that one have milk, Mama?" "Yes." "Yeah, that's the one I want!"....sly look.

Since the bean incident he keeps telling me he has something in his ear. I think he's just struggling with past tense but it makes me sooooo nervous!

Not that I recommend it, but anesthesia was like a reset button for him! He was much more his old self (which we hadn't seen in weeks) afterward & preschool helped even more!

His first week at preschool was awesome for all of us! He super loves it & it loves him right back! He seems so grown up going off to preschool.

He has a vivid imagination & great memory! He loves telling stories about something that really happened (a long time ago) plus a lot of fun new details. ;)

I just bought him a bunch of new clothes & about a month in he has outgrown the pants!! He's only 2 & now wears 4T jeans & size 8 shoes. Oh my!

The last week or so has been nice. He's been his sweet, snugly, kind, funny, curious, intuitive, PRECIOUS self. I'm trying hard to just enjoy it & not be anxious that the nasty we had for the 6 weeks before will come back!

I love this boy!!!

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