Wednesday, October 15, 2014

8 Weeks!

How on earth can it be 8 weeks since my little Delali-pop joined our family?? Yet again, I am late posting for her week Birthday!

Delali is doing wonderfully and growing, growing! She wants to be held a lot more recently, but I don't mind-these moments are just so fleeting. She is also now big enough that with a blanket rolled up underneath her, I can wear her in the Ergo while I go about our day. It's a win-win.

She will not go down for the night before 10. She just won't. Makafui was the same only his natural bedtime was 11!

She is smiling much more lately and it's pretty easy to make her do so. I just can't get enough of her sweet chubby cheeks, adorable double chin & cute little scrunched nose! She's just so happy!

She is especially happy and easy going in the morning and gets less so (and more needy) as the day goes on. By the time George gets home, she pretty much only wants to be held and only by me-and she cries more than she does any other time of the day. I feel bad for George, but that's the benefit of having done this before. We both know this is a short lived period of time. She enjoys being with Daddy in the morning or day time and will smile at him while I hold her in the evening, but he better not hold her!

I've gone on a few walks in the evening with just D. I enjoy it, but she only lasts about 15 minutes, so it's not quite the exercise I would like.

I'm bad about doing tummy time regularly, but when we do, she tolerates it okay. ;)

I feel so much more relaxed being a mom of a newborn/infant this time around and I am truly enjoying it-even the sleeplessness and crying/fussy times. The other day, I thought 'We really need to work on a schedule.' and then I decided, no, we do not. She has a natural rhythm that works well with our family-no need to stress us out and mess with that!

Going out & about with both kids feels pretty normal now & I'm getting pretty good at the loading/unloading thing. I've even managed to grocery shop without help twice now!

On the mommy side of things, I had a really hard time last week. I had been doing so great and feeling so wonderful since Delali came and it's like all the postpartum hormone stuff came flooding in for one really tough week! George was such a wonderful support and I am doing much better now. I feel like me again. Whew!

(Watching football...& yes I finally cut the tag off that pillow.)

1 comment:

Kristen said...

She is beautiful!! Love those cheeks. I'm. So sorry you had a rough week, hormones + sleep deprivation + toddler wrangling are a recipe for a tough week.