Tuesday, September 9, 2014

3 Weeks!

Sweet Baby Girl is 3 weeks old...this past Tuesday, but I'm just now posting this. Geez.

We went to the Dr. Monday for her 2 week appointment and Girlfriend has seriously grown! She's up to 7lbs 15oz and is 20 3/4" long! Woohooo! Go Baby, go!

She also has Thrush. Boo. But not surprisingly, she is handling it well and even tolerates the meds, which she has to get FOUR times a day. Yes, she's a champ!

She has done great with our move and took several long naps over the weekend, which allowed me to get a lot done.

Her sleeping is pretty much the same, she goes about 3 hours throughout the night, which I am LOVING! I feel so rested!

I got really emotional after we moved (big surprise) that things had been so crazy her first few weeks of life and that it seems to have passed so quickly! I am really trying to just rest now that we are in the house and focus on my kiddos and enjoying each moment.

Watching her & learning her has been so much fun! She is happy & chill & loud! She makes so many more little noises than M did at this age. She loves to be held & "needs" that more in the evening, but during the day she does fine being put down for a while. I've been wearing her when we go out & that definitely puts her in a happy place.

I'm just so grateful that she's ours!

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