Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Picture, picture!

He decided to take the "coo" sunglasses and let me wear the goggles.

Typical Makafui...although the diaper and no clothes isn't...not sure what's up with that!

So in love with his new Firetruck shoes!!

Makafui loves sticks!! This one was a little too gun-like for me, but he didn't know any better.

Cousins playing where their Mamas grew up. :)

Our swimming play date got rained out, McD's to the rescue!

I was allowed in on one of M's Selfies.

Back from the Ghana v. USA game...pretty sure this has something to do with toots and not soccer.

You know you're the Mama of a boy when your Mother-Son dates include a dinosaur and a car.

He is OBSESSED with the Old Navy dog! He also decided that dog needed some fashion too!

My belly with chocolate on it. I'm classy like that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha! love them all, but I think the last one of 'pax'? is my favorite.