Monday, June 23, 2014

Life Update

It's been a while since I've done a real update!

Makafui is growing and changing so much lately! Most of the time, he is a total delight and a lot of fun to be with. Each day that passes, I feel more relaxed about the spacing of our kids and that 2 1/2 years is perfect for us.

The boy talks up a storm! Some of my favorites lately...

"Mommy, I know you hear dis noise." In nap time, while not sleeping.
"I'm having an idea!"
"Stop the CAR!!"
"I need an egg. in. my. body." After telling him we needed to get some protein.
"I don't wanna poop on my bath."
"Mommy, don't be mean to me."
"Mommy's name Beffany Zalltay."
"I was awake in da night for da tunder. IT WON'T HURT YOU!"
"Can we go Chicken-Lay? I needa go Chicken-Lay."
"That's where Makafui BERRRRN!!!" He screams this every time we drive past the hospital.
"Daddy has back ears, Mommy has lellow."

Over the last couple of weeks it came to his attention that everyone has a real name. He learned my name, Daddy's, Gigi's and Pops'. He loves to mention the names and try them out on himself, "My name is Tchwwyyyyla!" He also asks the name of random animals, like the turtles and beavers in the pond nearby.

He really enjoys carrying on conversations with me, or anyone who will listen. His imagination has recently really blossomed and I love listening to him play and tell stories. Lately, he needs to "go to job for 10 minutes", he drives an airplane, so he is very important.

It's been really fun to ask him about his time at the Y or church and hear the names of his friends, the toys he played with and some of what he did. He is also good at telling me any bad things that happened, like when someone yelled at him. :(

He often wants to know who is going to be wherever we are going. He will go through the list of ALL of his family members, asking, "Is Fia gonna be dare? Is Kimmy gonna be dare?" and on and can take a while to get through everyone. He never forgets anyone!

Whenever one of his cars is "Pops" they go to Costco. He asks to go to Costco with Pops just about everyday.

He has a bunny he plays with in the car who is very rude, Makafui is always telling me that the bunny tooted on him, then he has to put the bunny in timeout.

Most of his animal toys or dinosaurs "bite" him. He gets a kick out of telling them no and putting them in timeout. He is a very strict disciplinarian.

He recently got some toddler LEGO blocks and constantly asks me to build really involved things, like a helicopter, or school bus, or fire truck fighting a fire. Geez. How 'bout we build a tower?

He has been talking a lot about his sister and wants her to come out and walk. He is quick to notice babies wherever we go and likes to point out and talk about her things (that are piling up around here!).

On the baby front, things are going great! I am hot and fat and tired, but doing well. ;) She is growing right on target and everything seems to be going great!

I had a WONDERFUL shower this weekend thrown by my sisters and was completely blessed and overwhelmed by the love poured out to our Sweet Girl. It touched me so much and I had a great time!!

After talking to my Dr. this past week (and more things changing for him) I found out that I can deliver at another hospital AND keep him! George and I toured the hospital yesterday and felt really good about it! The Labor and Delivery room is huge and gorgeous, they don't even have a well baby nursery so our daughter will stay with me the entire time, they have a NICU-just in case, they support natural childbirth and I could go on and on. I felt soooo much better about the delivery and am really excited for it.

I told George the other night, "We have niiiiiine more weeks before her due date!" His response was, "Only NINE weeks!?" Time must pass differently when you aren't the one growing the baby. I am ready for August. On the other hand, I am really trying to savor my time with Makafui as just the two of us. Aaaaand, we still aren't quite ready for her, so I guess it's a good thing we have so much time. ;)

Work is going great for G and we are still so thankful for such a wonderful company!

We have been visiting a church close to where we'll be moving (though still don't know the exact place we'll live) and are really enjoying it. Makafui LOVES the nursery and asks if we can go to church nearly every day. We have tried a Sunday School class and are looking forward to getting to know people. I am on the waiting list and hope to get into their MOPS group and they have a Bible Study during the week as well. I think it will be good for us.

World Cup is a pretty huge deal around here. M loves yelling GOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL, and randomly screaming "Off side!" G loves watching (and re-watching) the games, and I just love the nostalgia and all the fun that goes with it.

Here's to our final summer as a family of 3! :) Next post will have pics, promise!


Sue Anne McKinney said...

love, love, love your updates!!! So, maybe you will be moving closer to the McKinneys???

Kristen said...

I can't get over how verbal that little guy is! Brilliant! I'm so excited to have you guys as neighbors :)