Tuesday, March 4, 2014

To Lent or not to Lent?

My big brother asked me if I would be observing Lent this year or not & I just wasn't sure. I had been toying with it, but just hadn't committed. I grew up (and still am) very protestant- mainly Baptist, Non-Den & Bible churches. None of those observe Lent & some were so anti-Catholic that is was something you didn't even talk about.

Lately though, I've been wanting more. More from my lackluster church, more in my personal relationship with Christ, more peace, more joy. More.

For a few years now I have purposed that Easter NEEDS to be a bigger deal. And for a few years, Easter has come and gone and it just wasn't.

I did more research this week about Lent for the protestant. Aside from feeling totally stupid, I really appreciated what I learned.

Lent is not about legalism, it is not about buying your own grace by fasting from something, or getting on God's good side by depriving yourself for 40 days (40 instead of 46 because you take Sundays off, say what?!). Its not a game & its not for show.

It IS a tool and opportunity. Similar to Advent at Christmas, Lent is a time to look toward the coming celebration and meditate on what Christ has done for us. Fasting from something during Lent is just another opportunity to take our focus off of worldly desires & focus on Christ & His sacrifice for us...to dwell on Easter. To grow, not to just go through the motions.

And the word Lent? It just means Spring. Sweet, warm Spring. Renewal. Freshness.

Hmmm, it seemed so stiff and contrived before. Not so much anymore.

So for the first time in my life, I'm observing Lent and I'm very excited about it!

What am I giving up? Sweets! It ain't gonna be easy, but that's really the point, isn't it?


Kristen said...

I have found the church calendar to be such a powerful tool in pointing my heart back to the Gospel over and over again. Must recomend the book "Evangelical is Not Enough" by Thomas Howard.

Sister Beta said...

Thanks, Kristen! I will get it. 😊