Sunday, March 9, 2014

Catch up...

I haven't been a big blogger lately, so it's time to catch up!

-After a nap-free winter, I THINK Makafui is starting to nap again. All I have to do is take him to the Y  for an hour or two, to an outdoor or indoor playground and to a less physical, more mentally stimulating errand (like the library or a pet store) by 11:30. Then, he will nap. And if he starts his nap by noon, then he'll still go to bed at a decent time.

-This crazy weather is driving me nuts, I am ready for the cold to be gone for more than 3 days and to enjoy real Texas spring. I crave outside playtime with SUN everyday!

-Makafui got to wander the library at large (instead of me holding him or being in the stroller) for the first time last week and loved it! He just kept saying, "I at the libary, I at the libary!" He only picked one book (about tractors) but had a blast!

-I've been getting these crazy pregnancy headaches nearly everyday. Thankfully, they aren't as bad as the week I went off of progesterone, but still, no fun! They suck, but remind me that even discomfort can be full of blessings. I am thankful for this Little One.

-Makafui has been cracking me up lately, he feels very strongly about things, like he "neeeeds" pretty much everything and he really "loves" his ball, his car, you name it! He is also learning sarcasm, he asks me, "Well, how did that happen?" and after telling me excuse me or taking my food, he says, "Sorry 'bout that Mommy, sorry 'bout that."

-He is quite the snuggle bug and I love it! Every morning, after he gets up, we just sit on the couch and snuggle and sing songs for 10-15 minutes. He tells me, "I want Mama hold you!" at least 10 times a day!

-G started a new job in January and it is going great! We are so grateful for the change and for the amazing company he is working for!

-I plan on spending the summer at the pool with Makafui. In preparation, we have been trying to swim at the heated indoor pool at the Y. This boy is certainly not a water baby. He likes baths (to the extent that sometimes he takes 2 a day) but the pool and splash pad have not been a hit. We have spent more time getting dressed and undressed for the pool than we actually have in the water! I am hoping that the positive peer pressure of seeing cousin Sophia swim will help him out. We will keep trying, but geez, it's a lot of work to get ready to swim when he BEGS to get out after only 5 minutes!

-The hitting situation with M is getting much better. I think it's a combination of consistent discipline, a phase he is getting out of, and working my butt off to get him the physical outlets he needs to burn off that pent up energy. Whew! He wears me out sometimes. :)

-Our kitchen sink has not worked 100% since we moved in the week of Thanksgiving and as usual, it gets really nasty on the weekend when maintenance isn't here. Add that to the crappy management team we have, dog poop everywhere, loud neighbors and the nickel and diming to death (and I'm sure hormones have something to do with this) I am just soooo over living here!! First world problems- I know, I know.

-Did I mention at Makafui's well check his height was in the 92nd percentile?! Whoah! His head has leveled out to about average and so is his weight.

-I'm trying really hard to figure out good building blocks to teach M about Easter at his age. This year, we are focusing on Jesus gives new life. I had thought about teaching our kids about the Lord before we had any, but I didn't really think that much about how you teach a toddler with limited understanding. I'm leaning on grace here and trusting I will have many years to build onto these little blocks.

-My 16 week appointment is this week. I am always excited to check on the baby, but I'm super excited this week to schedule our big anatomy scan (and gender reveal!). Yay!

-I'm concerned about some people I love very much. It's a hard place to be in, to care, but not to be anxious all the time. I'm trying to give these concerns back to God. Some days this goes better than others.

-Life is full and exhausting right now. It probably will be for many years though, huh?

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