Thursday, March 27, 2014

Bubbles on my couch, I need Jesus

Makafui is quite the active little fellow. I have discovered that he needs a LOT of physical activity/outlets and social/intellectual way more than I realized. Now that I know this and in an effort not to 'provoke my child to anger' I have been working really, really hard at planning our days with that in mind.

When Makafui does get those outlets, he is tired enough to take a nap, so he is also well rested. On those days that we hit the mark, he is a complete doll! He consistently listens, he obeys, he is less frustrated, he doesn't hit and he is all around faaaaahbulous kid. He also makes it 'til Daddy gets home and has a blast running around and wrestling with him. It's a win-win.

However, this is no easy feat! I have already started planning out our summer (May-August before the baby comes) and frankly, I am exhausted just trying to figure it out!

Today the rain really botched my plans (as well as the lack of sleep due to a crying toddler for h-o-u-r-s last night), but I did what I could...including H-E-B at 7:00am. I packed our morning and completely wore myself out in the process! Then nap time came and M didn't sleep. Instead, he shoved diapers under his door, bellowed, "I bonk-e head!!" and other ridiculous things for an hour.

Our afternoon was full of whining and meltdowns-and me wearing a stupid baseball cap because I was too tired after swimming to look good. In the worn out midst of this, I got a call from a Dr.'s office about a billing issue from my surgery. Oh great. Everything was going wrong from about 11:00 on.

Finally, it was time to start dinner and we were in the home stretch. I was at the stove when I heard a glug-glug and looked to see a naked (why? because he could) Makafui sitting on the couch and pouring an entire, large bottle of bubbles on it!

I had had it! I yelled his name (still feeling bad about that yelling thing) scooped him up and put him in his room. Then I tried to clean it up, while burning dinner.

After things settled down and M was asleep (and I was still an exhausted to tears, stress-ball-freakazoid) I wanted to call my husband so bad and tell him to bring me some sort of chocolate peanut butter ice cream and bubble bath. Because that's what I needed.

And then I was reminded just how weak and needy I am. It's Lent, I'm not eating sweets. And oh yeah, ice cream won't make me suddenly feel like a good mom despite failing in so many ways today. A bubble bath will not make me chill the freak out about my constant battle to have a clean home. Neither of those things will make me not stress about how on earth I will handle this precious, high needs toddler AND a newborn. And no, they won't make my worries over medical bills and finances go away either.

Jesus can though. If I let Him.

Geez. Who knew I would get that from bubbles on my couch?


Mama B said...

He knew...and I kind of did, too, because that's just who you are. I love you so much...and it really does get better, I promise.

Unknown said...

You, my sweet Bethany . . . are the Mom . . . Makafui is a toddler who is naturally, learning about independence. Never think you're messing up! Ask your Sweet MOM about some of the toddler stories . . . . You are amazingly capable. Controlling the moods of a toddler who doesn't want to take a nap . . . well, that's the impossible DREAM! For every wrong answer, you give him hundreds of right ones!! Go. Bethany. Great Lady and Great Mom! I love you.
Aunt Glenda