Monday, May 5, 2014

Home is what you make it...

"See you later, my home!" Makafui calls out something along those lines each morning when we drive out of our complex.

It does my heart good to hear him say that. I've been mulling a lot lately about home, wants, needs, entitlement.

God has been so kind to gently lead me and grow me and teach me. We have (and I especially) have gone through phases over the past few years, that the "need" for a house was so great that I could barely think of anything else. I allowed influences around me, whether it be our culture at large and the quest for The American Dream, or be it people in my life who wore me down and belittled me with comments about when I would EVER get a house, or how terrible it would be if they had to have children in an apartment! I allowed myself to somehow feel less-or like my life was greatly lacking because of the absence of a mortgage.

That's just not true anymore. God has given me contentment and joy in our life just as it is. I am able to see all the good things about living in an apartment, before I see any of the bad. Such as, we have a maintenance team! I got touch-up paint, a new microwave touch panel and a towel bar re-hung this week and all it took was a few clicks on a website. I don't have to pay to water grass! My electric bill last month was $36. And when G's job changed and we need to live clear across town, we just wait for our lease to be up and pick a different place, that simple.

Would I like to have a garage and yard? Yes. But that is most certainly a want and not a need. And there were times that that want, which started out as a good thing, turned into that really, really ugly thing...entitlement. Yuck.

Just 6 months ago, I said in my heart, I am NOT living in an apartment anymore! We need a yard, we need a garage, we need to be free from loud neighbors! I am so glad that our God is so kind and lovingly worked on my heart. I don't feel that way anymore. In fact, I'm apartment hunting for our move after the baby. Some more time to figure out where we want to live, to be in control of our finances, rather than have them be in control of us, and flexibility to change our minds after a year or two sounds just perfect.

Home is not a mortgage, or a yard, or a garage. Home is what you make it. I am very grateful to have the family I do and the beautiful home we are creating together.


Mama B said...

And we are so proud of you all. We just love watching your life unfold.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you Bop. I've lived in apartments for 7 years here. At some point I should make up my mind, but having freedom to pick up and leave if I want/need makes more I don't have $350k for the townhome I really want...

Kristen said...

This is so good. I struggled with so much of the same in our condo. It's easy to see in retrospect that the timing was perfect when we finally got our house, but the waiting was HARD. Now I triple appreciate the things I longed for, but I also see how good it was that we had "maintenance" free housing for so long when the girls were in the intense baby phase.