Friday, February 7, 2014

Makafui 2.0

Happy Birthday Makafui!!!

Wow, this sweet boy is TWO!! I'm just so grateful for how he fills our home & lives with so much joy!

At TWO...

Makafui is very loving. He gives hugs all throughout the day and spontaneously tells me, family members, toys and Curious George that he loves them. He is starting to grasp the concept of restoration after a wrong. He quickly gives hugs to us or a friend after discipline or hurting someone and expects one if he is the one who has been wronged.

Makafui is one joyful little boy! He is smiling or laughing 90% of his waking hours! He is so happy and it just flows out into our home.

Makafui and I can actually converse. It's so great to know what serious or silly things are going on in his head. I love how he shares it. My favorite at the moment is the mini black preacher that is FULL of the SPIRIT-T-T! He just randomly and intensely prays, some days more than others. He can also finally say Jesus correctly, so it's even more adorable. I understand the majority of what he says, but sometimes he goes off in Ewe (Daddy's language) and I have no clue what he is saying! I'm not sure how much he understands either or if he is just mimicking. "BE NICE!" is a current favorite command. George laughs every. single. time. he hears Makafui say it! I'm not quite as amused.

He also has accents, but they are different accents and on different words. For instance, he says cat like a Brit, "cAHt" and he normally says car fine, but when he talks about Daddy's car, he says it, "kAh" like he's from Boston. There are others, but these are my favorite.

His memory is insane! He has not forgotten about the baby and talks about him/her a lot. He also remembers other things that we've only told him once or twice. I told him to be careful the other day because there was dog poop (gross!!!) near the car. Now, every time we go to the car he says, "Be careful Mama! Yucky dog poop! Watch out, so gross!"

He loves to learn and I love to teach him and watch him discover new things. His fine motor skills are really developing, he can thread beads onto a pipe cleaner, play dexterity type games on my phone and is getting more controlled in his coloring. He counts to 10 consistently and sometimes gets to 14 or 15. He recognizes circles, stars and triangles consistently and gets square and oval sometimes. He knows color names, but doesn't get them correct. He can sing the real words to several nursery rhymes and songs (he got this from Mommy and Gigi). He can also follow multi-step directions without missing anything. I know I am super biased, but I'm pretty impressed.

He is very sensitive to sound. He must ask, "What's that sound?" two dozen times a day or more! The sounds don't seem to bother him, he is just very in tune to them. Again, he is quick to remember a sound he has heard, like the neighbors upstairs.

On that sound spectrum, he loves music! When we listen to the radio in the car, he tells me, "This my munic (music)." or, "My song! Turn up!" His favorites are Somebody That I Used To Know, What The Fox Say, and Itsy Bitsy Spider.

He has really been getting into imaginative play lately. Every little figure he has is named Guy. I crack up every time I hear him call out for Guy. Cars and his airplane are his favorite toys right now.

His favorite foods are pizza, plain multi-grain waffles, applesauce pouches, string cheese, strawberries, apples, oranges and Pirates Booty and guacamole. He's pretty good at trying new things, but I never can guess what will be a hit and what won't.

He's sleeping through the night again, but not going down easily. He naps a few times a week.

I can't believe how much he has changed and really come into his own over this past year! we have challenging times, but overall, he is just a delight. This next year is going to be full of changes and new experiences. I pray I can be a great Mama to him as we figure out this 2 year old thing!


1 comment:

Sue Anne McKinney said...

Such a sweet birthday post! Praying for your family!
love that picture of him all sacked out....he's such a cutie.