Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Busy, busy, busy, blah, blah, blah...

It's been nearly a month since my last post! Things are very busy (blah, blah...I say that all the time). It's a bummer that I don't have time to post because God sure is working in our lives and I want to remember it and share it.
Still no career job. We are not without hope though. We are putting our trust in God for this elusive job and for the benefits it will have on our family. Some days we have to give the anxiety about the job and temptation to lean on our own understanding back to God a thousand times! Other days, it's pretty easy to let God keep all that stuff!
My job is going pretty well. It's a little insane since all of our deadlines are now looming, but it's a great job. The flip side of that is, my company has added two employees in the last two weeks. Two kind of annoying employees. Lucky me, one sits in front of me and the other is kind of my new boss. I have started praying a LOT more through the day as I'm afraid I'll break soon and unleash on both of these people. You would understand if I shared stories....but I won't.
God has really been blessing our marriage. I feel like through these struggles God keeps drawing us closer together and closer to Him. I sure do love that!
Some of my family members are really struggling and that makes me sad. I wish I could do something for them.
So there is the quick and slightly random update. Hopefully I'll have something funny to post next time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Bethany,

Fell across your blog a few months ago. Just felt I should check it out today. I'm from Ghana but now live in Canada and am currently studying in Sweden. Just wanted to introduce myself as someone who knows the power of prayer and holding onto God for his guidance and answers to our prayer in his time.

Anyway just a quick note to say for some reason god tells us to reach out and pray for others. So know that in the corner somewhere across the world Petrina is praying for you and George. We continue to pray for blessings untold to come upon your lives and patience and endurance for your work situation. I think I realize is that god puts us in certain situations to be lights and examples to others.

Remain blessed
