Monday, January 24, 2011

Lame-o blogger

Hey blog world! I have been such a lame blogger recently!!
The biggest reason for my terrible blogging is my job. Work is going really well, but really busy! I just found out our timeline for a huge project has moved up nearly a month so the pressure is on! Maybe I'll post pics of these big projects when they finally come together. ;)
George's job is going well too, but sometimes I feel like we don't get to see each other enough. I'm super blessed that I work a later shift (well, most days) because when he comes home from work at 10pm, we can still talk and spend time together for a few hours and not worry about an early morning wake up.
Things are going well. I can't believe our anniversary is coming up! :)

1 comment:

Kristen said...

yes! post pictures of your projects!