Friday, February 22, 2008

Patience, right?

My patience is wearing very, very thin. I thought I did well with the whole Ghana-time thing, I was totally chill about this, I knew things would move soon enough, and I prided myself on that.....I was wrong.
We have one thing holding up the visa process and it's about to eat my lunch- a letter from the University of Cape Coast. We need this letter to confirm that George does actually go there and will actually return to Ghana (that is a very important thing to prove to the United States!). However, the registrar is on a power trip and won't give George the letter, he keeps putting it off for some reason. George has done all he can do and we still have nothing. I'm starting to think we should play this game their way and resort to bribery, but how wrong would that be? I did track down the man's e-mail address though and I'll see if George is okay with my dad or me sending him a note. Why we think our western influence will do anything, I don't know, but I guess it's worth a try. KEEP ON PRAYING!!

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