Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wedding Weekend Wrap-up...

The weekend of Jeremy and Avery was wonderful and packed and sweet and exhausting! We are still recovering and trying to get back into our normal groove. (M woke up at 3:45 this morning!!)

I didn't take many pics because I was busy with Mr. Adorable. Thanks Tiffany, for capturing these great memories-every non-crappy, non-phone pic is from her!

The rehearsal dinner was at County Line on the lake and it was fabulous! Makafui did really well! He definitely wanted to feed the thousands of turtles rather than be in the dining room, but he sat in his high chair for the entire meal eating and playing with his plastic dinosaurs (dinosaurs he named Lion and Puppy...Lion got potato salad from M's fork and Puppy was offered orange juice-it was all very entertaining).  G took him out for the speeches (which were great) but I was very, very impressed with his little 17 month self and his awesome behavior.

My full skirt just makes me look full!

Besties x2!!

Wedding day was packed and wonderful! M woke up at 4:45 so we killed time for a while and then went to the family brunch at Mom and Dad's. Great company and filled with everyone's favorite breakfast foods! M totally enjoyed all the attention and kolaches. Mom and I set off to get our hair done and decorate the venue so G and M were on their own. The rest of the afternoon leading up to the wedding was a whirlwind!

M got a chance to do the VERY important job of testing the microphone...

Makafui was flipping adorable with his skinny jeans, high tops, suspenders and bow tie. I think he should wear that outfit everyday.

G didn't even try letting him sit in for the ceremony which I soooo appreciate because a toddler can only handle so much!

During cocktail hour music was playing and the adults were drinking Mommy and Daddy Juice, which left the dance floor WIDE open! Makafui took advantage and certainly cut a rug!

If only you could see this sweet move in action! It's pretty awesome.

The reception was a blast, the food was delicious (Truffle oil fries with garlic and parmesan? Um, yes please!!) and the company was fabulous.

I think it was definitely the best day of Makafui's life. He was dressed super cute, he got to dance like crazy, eat all the French Fries he wanted, have people ooh and ahhh over him, tried his first virgin strawberry daiquiri, ate M&Ms without having to go potty, stayed up late and PARTIED hard with all his favorite people. Oh, and he was glad to get Avery as his Aunt, officially!

(I will try to post more pictures when I get some.)

1 comment:

Kristen said...

sounds like such a fun weekend! it is a lot of work to be in a wedding when you've got a little one! you guys are a beautiful family. M's outfit is awesome!!! i can only hope jon-jon will someday slim down enough to wear skinny jeans like those, or i'd be happy for anything with a waistband :)