Sunday, July 15, 2012

Catching up

I've been a lame-o blogger lately. Two weeks ago Makafui was having a rough time with life, so any time I had "free" I tried to use it to sleep! I was also afraid of writing some really whiney posts about exhaustion or something like that.

This past week has been the opposite, and there has been very little free time because we're just having too much fun! I haven't been awesome at taking pics, but G has some on his phone that I'll try to upload later.

One night this week Makafui slept for 2 4 hour stretches! It was heaven.

My brother is on vacation for two weeks and oh so sweetly let me borrow his car. We're enjoying getting out and about.

We had 2 playdates this past week and I think M really enjoyed it. One was at our house and the other was at Wesley's house. Unfortunately, Makafui woke Wesley up when he went down for a nap, so I'm not sure if we'll be invited again. :)

Friday was Cow Appreciation Day. We celebrated by donning cow spots and 'Eat Mor Chikin' signs and got free Chick-Fil-A!

During that tough week, there was a lot of cuddling, extra nursing and M just needing to be held. I decided to multi-task and check out the much hyped Downton Abbey. I was not disappointed!

G is working a lot. We miss him, but I'm proud and understand. Having a car has made the long days easier.

The storm last night was insanely loud and did some serious sleep disturbance. On the upside, this rain has made the weather a lot more mild for a Texas summer!

Makafui's personality is really coming out lately. Not only is he happy, he's silly! He makes funny noises and laughs at them and tries to get people's attention and make them laugh. It is so adorable and fun! There is a lot of squealing and laughing going on around here!!

Today is the 6 year anniversary of meeting G. I'm so so glad I found him!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

i'm sorry you had a rough couple of weeks, but glad last week was better, i was thinking about you and hoping things were going ok.