Sunday, July 1, 2012

Big Boy

Makafui seems like such a big boy lately!

The other night he sat in his highchair while we ate dinner. It was so cute! He kept looking back and forth at us and just giggling!! Then he got jealous of our food and wasn't quite so happy. Sorry little dude, none for you.

He's also tried out sitting in a cart...he likes it for a little while.

For the first time this week he also sat in the stroller without being in the infant seat! What?!

 ....we gave a little "big boy" chair a try too. It wasn't quite a hit.

This is craziness! My baby sure it growing up. (And yes, there's an awful lot of Target going on, we know how to beat the heat.)


Nonnie said...

Love the pictures ,so looking forward to meet him. you are looking great. love you

Kristen said...

oh man! he looks like such a big kid buckled into that stroller!