Friday, September 17, 2010


It's been a tough week. We are very discouraged on the job front and sometimes wonder if our great God even hears our cries anymore. It's just been tough. I don't know what it is, but there is a point when doing the same thing over and over again (in the noble sort of way) all of the sudden becomes unbearable. I'm not sure if that's immaturity on my part or just how life works, but I feel like I'm in that unbearable place again.
In comes Friday. We CELEBRATE Friday in our home! I am excited to celebrate tonight. We made it through the work week and we're saying "goodbye" to all the yucky it held! I think our celebration menu tonight will be something along the lines of this: Fruit Tray (while we cook the rest) Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon, Sweet Potato Fries, a KILLER Salad, ChAmPaGnE (!!!!!!) and Ice Cream! Woohoo!! I'm counting down the rest of this day and looking forward to a great evening with my man...


She thinks too hard! said...

What fun dinner plans you make! Keep your chin up. I know it's hard. No way around that, it seems. Praying, praying!

Kristen said...

so sorry about this crappy time for you guys. man, that dinner sounds fabulous!!!

Kristen said...

also, what kind of work are you looking for so that i can keep an eye/ear out for you?

Sister Beta said...

Thanks Kristen, I'm open to various jobs, the big kicker right now is that I'm the bread winner, so the salary is very important! I could do kids again, but would prefer pre-school age, I would be happy with office work, elderly care/companion, personal assistant, anything creative, NP type stuff is great, but it doesn't make enough. :( Thanks for looking out for me!