Monday, August 23, 2010

Goodbye, Hello!

It was a busy week! Thus, the lack of blogging.
We are completely moved! Moving is hard work! (I can't believe I thought I could move half way around the world...we have way more stuff than I realized!) On top of that, G worked on our two big moving days, so I didn't have him! My mom helped me IMMENSELY! I don't know how to thank her for all of her help, so I'll do it publicly as well. Thank you, Mom!!!
On our last night at the old place, I mentioned to G that I would miss our apartment. In short, he won't. Once we started to talk about it, I realized how sad and hard life was in that apartment, and really, I'm ready to say goodbye. When I moved in there, I had so many hopes and dreams for what life would hold. What happened though, was heart ache after heart ache and a beautiful, way too big, lonely place. There were many sleepless nights and more tears than I would like to admit. The sorrow outweighs the joy by a LOT! Once G did come, the location kind of hindered him getting a job and being able to get out and about. And at some level, that place was a little more mine than ours.
In comes the new place. We found it together. We signed the lease together. We're in it together. George can walk or ride his bike to work, we are closer to family and we are (hopefully) starting a new, chapter of life that is punctuated by more joy that sorrow. I feel like we're finally moving into "normal" newlywed transitions. Life is becoming less and less about immigration or culture shock and becoming more and more about us. I like that.
So goodbye old place. Goodbye sadness.
Hello new home. Hello possibilities. I look forward to what the next 17 months hold.


Aubrey Hansen said...

I love it! Congrats! Bring on the joy!

Kristen said...

august... what a month to move!! every time i've moved in the past ten years it has been in august!!! so glad you guys are in your new spot together.