Tuesday, August 24, 2010


George got his DL yesterday! I am so happy for him and glad that he has this important piece of independence. Thanks SO much Mom, for taking him to the DPS.
Yesterday...and work in general sucked! I was a grumpy ass about it as well, which didn't help anything. I need to figure out how to cope better and I need another job!! I hate feeling trapped, but I may just have to redefine my understanding of work all together. I'm trying to figure that out...
I'm diggin' the new apartment. There are still some finishing touches that need to be done, but it's nice. It feels like home.
I am SO READY for Fall! I just can't wait to put away the tank tops, get the boots out and ENJOY everything that Fall is.
I really love my husband. I wish he didn't have to work retail, but I'm so proud that he does.


Tiffany said...

Yay Fall and new beginnings!
We pray for you both to be granted the most amazing jobs pretty much every day.

Anonymous said...

Excuse your French?