Monday, October 6, 2014

6/7 Weeks

I missed the 6 week post because frankly, Makafui is stretching me...daily. In a big way. As a result, blogging has taken a back seat.

So here is what's up lately.

Delali does not tolerate dairy in my diet. So I've eliminated it (with great success for her) but it's been quite a learning curve as I didn't realize just how many things have some dairy derivative. I definitely snack less because of it.

She is giving us sweet social smiles and I love it! They are still infrequent enough that we go nuts when she flashes a big grin!

The girl is really filling out! She has fabulous cheeks and a double chin. She wears 0-3 months clothes now.

We got a double stroller recently and both kids are tolerating it quite well. If I break up our walk with a stop at the park, they do great. Otherwise D won't last more than about 20 minutes. We are really loving the walkability of our neighborhood!

Delali goes 3ish hours (ish meaning 3 or less) between feedings at night. I don't know where that glorious 4 hour stretch went, but I think I'm coping pretty well.

This sweet girl is quite the celebrity at church. People go nuts over her! I feel the same.

Makafui continues to adore her..ADORE! He just can't get enough of her and I love it. He often touches her cheeks and tells her, "I'm here, I'm here." and he tells her every day that she is so cute and he loves her. Their relationship is such a sweet blessing-especially on days that he's being a stinker to me!

These last two weeks have been a challenge, but I am so grateful for this life I have.

1 comment:

waitingarms said...

Your babies are beautiful! I love the picture of them together - nothing says love better than that. Hang in there on the tough days with the assurance that it will soon pass. When that phase ends and you have that special relationship that a son has with their mommy, you will forget most of the hard days. Blessings as you parent your two special gifts.