Friday, August 22, 2014

She's HERE!!

Our sweet girl gave us the best surprise ever and came just a little bit early! Her due date is the 24th and she arrived August 19th instead...yay Baby!!

Sweet Baby "Pax" 7lb 2oz, 18.75''

She is already a total rockstar and I am still just in awe and feeling totally blessed by how this week has gone.

After the loss of my niece earlier this year, I was experiencing a lot of anxiety about the final weeks of pregnancy, delivery, etc. After much thought, prayer, tears and discussion, I decided to be induced on the 20th. My Dr. thought I was a good candidate for induction and we were feeling pretty good about the decision. I still wanted her to come on her own though and was continually praying for God's perfect timing.

On the 19th, I woke up ready to have a great "last day" with just Makafui. I was having some contractions here and there, but they weren't painful and they were very random in their spacing and length of time. I was hoping it could be a sign of impending labor, but busied myself with our day since I knew she'd be coming the next day anyway. We went to the Y, got our favorite kolaches and hit up a park with Tiffany and Hannah Kate. Then, we headed home to eat lunch and have a rest time.

When we got home, I decided maybe this could be the day and I absolutely could not have a baby without a clean home. So I put a load of laundry in, started the dishwasher, cleaned the bathrooms and vacuumed the apartment. Just as I was finishing up vacuuming, my water broke, but not in a Niagara Falls sort of way, so I wasn't positive! I didn't want to make a big deal about it, head to L&D and then find out that I had peed myself-that would be SO EMBARRASSING! And, my contractions still didn't hurt and still weren't regular.

This was about 12:45. I called the Dr. and left a message with the nurse, then called G and told him he should probably come home. My mom and dad just happened to be having lunch together and just happened to check in on me when all this went down and soon my dad came and got M.

From the time I first suspected my water broke, to talking to the nurse and G getting home (30ish minutes) my contractions really started to intensify!

I met G in the corridor and we drove across the street to the Dr. After cracking some jokes, the Dr. got serious and asked G how fast he could drive to the hospital! I was so excited!

We had to stop 3 times on the way to the car for contractions, and then we sped off to the hospital in complete shock that this was actually happening-and so quickly! When we got to the hospital, we had to stop 4 or 5 times in the parking lot, lobby, elevator and hallway for contractions. It was all very intense, but it didn't sink in that she would be coming so soon-my mind was ready for another 6 hours or so. We got to the hospital at 2:20. At 3:53 she was in my arms!! (It sounds super easy, but I won't lie, the last 30 minutes or so were absolutely hellacious)

I still can't believe it worked out that way. I pushed through 2 contractions and she was here! She cried just enough for us to feel reassured, but has been pretty chilled out since.

The entire experience-her birth, the recovery, Makafui's reaction/role as a big brother and transitioning to home have been way better than I expected, but more so, even better than I could have wished for!! I am just so blessed and overwhelmed. We had a great first night at home and Makafui is just completely in love with and obsessed with her! He had a rough time sleeping while I was in the hospital, but last night he did great!

Her naming ceremony is on the 31st and I just can't wait!



Kristen said...

She is beautiful!!!!! Can't wait to meet her. I am so so so happy her arrival went so smoothly! A great story.

Unknown said...

So happy for your GORGEOUS FAMILY! Thank you for the posts . . . just love keeping up with our growing family even from a distance. Love the beautiful pictures . . . looks like Makafui's initial reaction is 'I like being the Big Brother' . . . Congratulations and God Bless You All!