Thursday, August 8, 2013


G has hade a change in his position at work, it's a positive career change, but hard for family life and Makafui especially.

He used to work down the street from the Y, so everyday when we went to workout, we would stop on our way home to say or bring Daddy a treat. Most days G came home for lunch and since he had a pretty short commute, there was time for M to eat breakfast with him in the mornings.

Now he works further away and has more responsibilities so has to get to work earlier and leave later. We don't see him during the day at all and only get a little time before he heads to work in the morning. M should/usually goes to bed before he gets home. :(

This is VERY hard on Makafui and he is definitely acting out because of it. We are having a rough transition this week. I am hoping and praying that Makafui continues to be his resilient self and will handle everything much better by the end of next week. We will have lunch with Daddy during the week sometimes and I've tried to keep him up later, but it's pretty torturous for all of us.

Not to whine, but this has been hard for me too. I miss seeing G of course, but on the parenting side it's been very difficult. I still do all my wifey things (like packing his lunch at 5:45 this morning) but I don't have my partner to help me parent at all during the kiiiiind of feels like I drew the short straw.

This is more growing for me spiritually. I am constantly checking my heart and attitude about this transition and leaning hard on God so my family can lean on me. I am thankful for G's job, thankful I get to be home with M, thankful I have a car to putt around with my sweet boy and thankful for our great little life. This is just a tricky transition and we will find our new stride soon. :)

This would however, explain my lack of blogging. M has not been himself and I haven't been on the computer much because of it. After throwing a pretty epic fit at the Y, he fell asleep in the car on the way home and I am choosing to rest instead of clean!

And there is a Brightside! Since M goes to bed before G comes home, we have quiet wonderful evenings just the two of us, just hanging out and sharing life. THAT is wonderful!


Anonymous said...

I bet that is tough, Boppy. I can't relate to caring for a baby 24/7 but I know my sisters do a great job of it.

Kristen said...

oh wow, that sounds like a looooooooong day. more grace to you during this tough transition/season. i think bedtime/dinner takes way more energy than you usually have left by the end of the day. doing it by yourself every night would be REALLY REALLY hard!

Tiffany said...

I feel ya sister. Ryan started with a warranty company and has gotten five jobs in the past 48 hours and has several follow ups after work this week. We have some hard working husbands! And that makes us some hard working Mommies. I think I'm going to get a Y membership this week. ;)