Saturday, May 4, 2013

Mom Jeans Make Me Ramble

-I recently read something on Pinterest that said Old Navy and Gap jeans are gateway Mom Jeans. I wear Banana Republic jeans, which are pretty much the same thing. I am now paranoid about wearing gateway Mom Jeans.

-I guess I wear gateway Mom Jeans because I have a black girl butt and I refuse to wear Apple Bottom Jeans or other jeans that could fit into the ghetto-fabulous category. I'm now on a serious jean finding mission!

-I made Paula Deen's cinnamon rolls the other day. OMG. So. Ridiculously. Gooooooood.

-Okay, said cinnamon rolls could be part of my jeans problem.

-For the record, I took the cinnamon rolls to MOPS, I didn't make them just for me.

-Enough about the cinnamon rolls...and enough about my butt, or jeans, or whatever.

-When there was no apparent reason for it and medicine wasn't working, I was really scared that something might be seriously wrong with Makafui last week. I had to keep shaking it off and just focus on lowering the fever.

-I hate sneaks up on you.

-I love having a toddler!

-Apparently my neighbors are actually all puppies...nice weather makes them loud and jumpy.

-I am hooked on Diet Dr. Pepper again...artificial sweeteners and all.

-I was working out the other day and my knee was bothering me again. I remembered what my Dr. had prescribed to help my damaged ligament in the past-support and strength. I needed to support the injury with a brace while strengthening the muscles around it. Hmmm, I thought, thinking I was all wise and crap, people are the same way. When they are causing hurt or discomfort the answer is to support and strengthen. Then I realized, ligaments can't fight back or stab you in the back, and they cannot be mentally ill. Analogy officially blown to bits. I'm not wise, just full of crap.

-Makafui has become so expressive! I crack up everyday at some new face he has.

-Is it just me, or have other people noticed sooooo many adults in their life that seem to be stuck in highschool? What's up with that?

-I am not ashamed to say that on one of the days M was sick I spent 3 hours in the car because he fell asleep and I was not going to cut his nap short!

-One of the few good things I found on Pinterest was how to make Starbucks' Passion Tea Lemonade at home. Total win!

-The bath salts from Whole Foods are ahhhhhmazing! Get Naked is my favorite.

-I don't have deep relationships with people I am not related to. Some days I'm okay with that. Others, not so much. (Maybe it's that highschool thing.)

-I wish Makafui and I could spend more time with my niece Sophia. Unfortunately, this will not happen.

-I am learning to let go....and how to take charge. It's a challenge.

-I'm pretty much over this whole Facebook thing, but I don't feel like I can get off of it all together because it's one of the ways international friends are able to easily keep up with us.

-I may or may not occasionally watch a soap opera and I may or may not occasionally have conversations about the ridiculous characters with my sister. Maybe.

-I am not a person who likes politics or wants to be involved in them. One of the things I am willing to stand up for and put myself out there for is gun control. I think it's ridiculous that it is so easy to get a weapon that can kill so many people, so quickly. Utterly ridiculous. Go ahead, hate me for it.

-Only 8 of my toenails are currently painted. The pinkies just didn't make the cut this time.

-I had pink highlights for not quite two weeks. My silly hair just doesn't want to hold onto the color, like at all. It was fun while it lasted.

-I want to obey God in whatever He has for us, even when it seems uncomfortable.

-Makafui is just as hard to say as Jessica. To a child, that is. Children don't seem to think his name is different or funny or weird. They don't react to it, or really care and they can usually say it correctly the first time. Adults are a different story. They nearly always react, sometimes in a negative way, sometimes in a positive, and they typically have a hard time saying it. It's funny how we react to things, how we want to kick something out simply because we have never heard it before.

-I knew when I named my child Makafui that I would pronounce it and spell it forever. I don't mind at all, it's a great name!

-I recently ordered a steak taco for my husband in a drive-thru and instead got SIX TACOS. Ha!

-You know how you have fat days and skinny days? I have those spiritually too.


Kristen said...

oh crap! all of my jeans are from GAP!

Anonymous said...

are 'dad jeans' from Gap too? You should check out the SNL 'Mom Jeans' commercial on Youtube. Very funny, and you'll feel better.