Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 7!

On the 7th day of Thanksgiving (and every month since February) I am especially thankful for my precious boy. Today, he is NINE months old!!

I only managed ONE sit still next to the bear picture. Ha!

This little guy has changed so much over the last month! Not only is he getting bigger and he's now on the move, his personality is really coming to light. He is very happy, extremely social and knows how to tell us he doesn't like something.

His latest trick kills me! If you say "gun show!" he does this...

How precious is that? Those are some impressive guns.

He also knows what "no" means and shakes (well, it's more like a funky bob back and forth) his head. He likes to do something that's a no-no, like spit food, them immediately start shaking his head no. Smart kid.

While my family was in town, we all went out to eat and M was having a rough time. My mom very compassionately asked what was wrong and I said, "Nothing, his little sinful personality is just coming out!" Makafui turned and looked at her, tilted his head down and very slowly shook his head no while a huge smile spread across his face. He knows what's up. Silly. Silly. Boy.

He waves and even throws in a "hi" to people wherever we go. He also waves to the mirror. He's not so hot on the bye-bye part, he prefers to practice waving and saying bye-bye in the middle of the night.

For the last two weeks he has spent the entire church service in the nursery (instead of just the sermon) and has done great! We are very proud of him. :)

He is crawling! He just started really moving forward yesterday, so he's a lot faster backward. He can get all over the place, it's just in a round about way. He pulls up pretty well too!

Because of that, I lowered his crib all the way down. He thought it was fun in the day. At night? Ha! We're back on the floor for the most part. And no, he does not move all over the room...yet. I guess we'll stay on the floor until we need to change it.

He is really getting LOUD!! What cracks me up though, is that he seems to get the whole acoustics thing. If we are in a place with hard floors and high ceilings, or a hallway, he really yells, like screams! It's like he knows it's going to be insanely loud and echo. It's funny most of the time, but sometimes we're out in public and I don't want him to disturb other people. We're working on "little voice".

He is trying a lot of new foods and is really good at feeding himself now. Plain yogurt and black beans are new favorites.
He says: hi, bye and what seems to be nigh-nigh at bedtime (when he's not going nigh-night) but still doesn't actually call G and I dada or mama. Weird.

Night times are, well, I guess a little better? They are better in some areas, but there is no noticeable improvement in others. I haven't been this exhausted in a while, but I'm keeping at it. He does go down without nursing and that part hasn't been as hard as expected. He's still up a lot in the night and I'm still nursing him a lot, just not nursing to sleep. And now day time sleep has gotten harder. Itsy, bitsy baby steps...

Despite the tiredness on my part, I am loving everyday with him! I am so thankful that Makafui is in our lives! I love him so, so much!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that was a great dinner and wknd...