Sunday, October 21, 2012

Weekend Update

This was a wonderful weekend!
G started it off right! M has had a kind of tough week with allergies, teething and what seems like that 9 month growth spurt all at once, so some nights have been harrrrd! On Saturday, M was up for the day a little before 7. We brought him to bed and tried to get him back down, but it was a no-go. Sweet G took him out of our room and closed the door. The next thing I knew, it was 8:30 and G and M were greeting me with a HUGE Pumpkin Spice Latte and brownie! Isn't that the sweetest? When M was a newborn, I would hear about husbands "letting mom sleep in" or other things like that I thought that would NEVER be possible, that Makafui would be stuck to me 24/7 until at least Kindergarten. Suffice it to say, this little treat was a total dream come true!
Later, we went to the park and had a blast swinging....


M also went down the slide for the first time. He didn't dislike it, but I'm not sure he's in love with it. :)
"Mom, what are we doing?"
Side note: While I was pushing M in the swing, my husband was taking pictures of me (yeah, he thinks I'm hot). Look at that bizarre chunk of short hair on the side of my head! Why didn't the books tell me that "baby bangs" meant wonky chunks around your head? Chunks that even your clever side swept bangs can't hide? Furthermore, why didn't anyone who knows and loves me tell me I looked like this?

Anyway, back to the weekend. We had a great mix of being productive, running around and relaxing. Makafui is in a super fun stage right now. He just could not get over George cleaning the balcony. He was squealing and completely enamoured with what he was doing. I had so much fun watching my baby watch his daddy.

As you can see, my baby will be crawling soon!! I am so proud of him and love watching him discover and try hard things. But part of me wants to just scoop him up and tell him to cut it out and stay my baby...and so it is, this is how I'll feel forever.
In other news, Makafui ate pot roast and yogurt this weekend. Both BIG hits!!

1 comment:

Mama B said...

This person who loves you had not noticed the lovely little chunk o' baby bangs. It must just be the angle.