Sunday, October 7, 2012

8 Months!

We have official kicked into the , oh-my-goodness-time-is-flying stage. Makafui is 8 months today!! I cannot believe it! Each day I marvel at how wonderful life is with him as a part of it.

He's gotten another tooth and is working on 3 more. They've been giving him a hard time lately, but he's still quite the trooper!

He is oh-so-curious and I love it!

He goes from sitting to on his hands and knees, to his tummy all the time! Once he's on his tummy though, he can't figure out how to get back up to hands and knees.

He pulls up from sitting, but only onto his knees-thank God.

He still can't figure out how to go from laying down to sitting up. I'm not too bothered by this, it means we don't have to lower the crib yet. :)

He has figured out how to inch-worm nearly out of his swing. I'll have to say goodbye to that wonderful invention soon. :(

He has started saying the sounds ma and nuh. Pretty cool.

He will wave on occasion and say "hi", but with a very thick southern accent. Hilarious.

He's still ga-ga over his jumper. Too cute!

Hanging out in the nursery is a little bit of a crap shoot, sometimes he does super great (like today) and other days he doesn't last very long.

He cries when I leave the room sometimes and when I take something (usually my phone) away from him. These are both new developments.

He seriously seems to get cuter, sweeter, more fun and even more precious each day! So, so in love!


Kristen said...

he is getting big! i think i need me a pair of those red moose pjs.

Mama B said...

So sweet. Thanks for sharing him with us. How can he have really been here 8 months and at the same time, it is hard to remember when he wasn't part of the family. Love you all.