Sunday, September 9, 2012

Random Stuff

  • My husband doesn't like to peel his own oranges because they make his hands smell like oranges. Someone gave us tangerine hand soap and he loves it....because it smells good. Like oranges, on. his. hands!
  • I hate, hate, super hate politics. Hate. You will never see me write specifically about politics and I don't even think my own family members really know my political point of view. I think it's super divisive, really messy, HIGHLY subjective and just yuck. I wish I could fast forward the election, but nothing else about life.
  • I'm bummed about all the people I see on Facebook sharing their political opinions. Please don't, because I still wanna be your friend.
  • I got a box of chocolate Krave cereal and ate it all in 3 days. I'm not sure if the cereal was that good, or if I just really like chocolate and we didn't have anything else.
  • We bought a toaster oven to use instead of the real oven. We aren't using the real oven for the entire month to see what it does to our electricity bill. Fun experiment.
  • G insisted on getting me a bigger, nicer, more expensive toaster oven than the cheapy one I had picked. Sweet.
  • I love being a Mama.
  • Sometimes I wish there were a little more recognition for us full time moms. It is a hard job on many, many levels. People don't realize that or let us know. I need to get over that though, 'cuz it's just not gonna happen!!
  • G got moved to another branch again. It is a wonderful promotion for him and I'm crazy proud!
  • The downside of moving to another branch is that I now have to pack a lunch, which means using the creative part of my brain that has shriveled up in my sleep deprivation, this is a tough one for me.
  • I cannot wait for it to cool down!! I am most looking forward to going on walks with M during the day! We have a University and hospital across the street from us, which means pretty campuses, lots of sidewalks and great people watching. Aaaaaand, cafeterias and nice bathrooms if needed. Score.
  • Someone in my family unfriended me on Facebook and I keep wanting to ask them something, but it's such a drag because I can't just Facebook them. Geeez, what is this world coming to?
  • I keep seeing books and toys that I want to get Makafui for Christmas. I really need to dial it back because my Makafui Christmas Wish List is insanely huge!
  • I organized all of our closets this week. Yay me!
  • All three of us got our flu shots 2 weeks ago and I still feel like super mom for making that happen. It's the little things.
  • When I feel like insurance costs a lot (it doesn't really, but sometimes I feel that way) I look up what our benefits have afforded us. In August, insurance covered $1100 in care for 3 healthy people. Seriously?! That's wonderful and terrible all at the same time. I'm grateful nonetheless.
  • G and I were in a large group recently where I knew a lot of people. I kind of worked the crowd, you know, just a little. G was surprised because he hasn't seen me like that in America. I used to be so outgoing. Now, not so much. I am much more protective of myself and my little family. I'm still mulling over this and trying to figure out if it's a good thing or a bad thing.
  • My husband used my toothbrush. No, spouses don't share everything. I had to get a new one right away. I might put my name on the new one.
  • I used to have pretty curly hair, since having M, it's mostly straight. Weird.
  • I may or may not have hosed off my soiled baby in a park's public restroom sink mid-walk and then left him in a onesie sans diaper until we got back to the car. I may or may not need a mommy-patch on my vest for that.
  • I super duper love coffee. A LOT.
  • I don't want to own/adopt any animals at all, for a very long time. I do want to go to the zoo or on a safari pretty much every day. I think animals are great as long as they aren't in my home.
  • The season premiere of Grey's Anatomy is written on my calendar. Loser-ville!
  • My dad's mom (a.k.a. Nonnie) is coming to visit in October. We're pretty pumped around here!
  • Shout out to Mermis! I love blog-stalking too!! ;)


Kristen said...

i'm with george on the orange thing. i'm pretty sure my hands will permanently smell like oranges after peeling 13 a day all summer for meg.

and i'm totally with you on the toothbrush thing! uggg and yuck. jeff says, "why are you freaking out, we have the same germs."

no we don't.

Sue Anne McKinney said...

THESE are my favorite kind of posts!!!

Mermis said...

eposHa, love fellow blog stalkers! And your baby M is adorable and I totally followed the whole getting George here saga! I think I need to go back to blogging! Thanks for the shout out, even though you so outed me!