Friday, August 17, 2012

Wanderings of a Sleep Deprived Mind

If you ever wondered what ridiculous things are going around in my head, then here's a taste.

-There is a difference between fighting for something and fighting over something, sometimes the line can get blurred.

-I want to be a really good wife and a really good mommy. Some days I feel like I've failed either because the entire check-list didn't get checked or I didn't get the recognition I thought I should. That sends me back to my first thought though...what is a really good wife and mommy? I'm working on that, but I'm learning it doesn't always mean the list got checked off or that I got any appreciation at all.

-I ate cereal this morning and dripped milk form my lips every. single. bite. Am I a toddler?

-My gorgeous leather couch that I wanted so bad and finally purchased while I waited for G isn't holding up so great. I was sad and then I remembered, the more you have the more you can lose. It's just a's just a's just. a. thing.

-I know of so many people lately who are having their babies reeeally close together (like, on purpose). It's challenging what I believe about God's timing for kids, because let me be honest, it seems a little cray cray!

-I love my husband, I wish we spent more time together.

-The other night, someone slammed their door and it woke up Makafui. Yesterday, the FIRE alarms went off and it didn't wake him. This is one of the greatest mysteries.

-When I was in high school, I told one of the youth leaders at church that he looked like Rasputin. Thinking about that now, I'm a little, oh well.

-I like the show The Chew, it kind of inspires me to learn how to cook really great things. Then I remember that the stuff I want to cook takes lots of time and money and has tons of calories, so I change my mind and stick with my basics.

-When we pulled into the gas station the other day, the sale before us was $110! I think I like having only one car and a small one at that!

-We've had another health scare with a child hit a little too close to home. I'm holding Makafui a little tighter lately and thanking God for his health. It makes me wonder who I would be under those circumstances, I pray that the Lord won't test me.

-I'm feeling crafty lately...not in the devious way, in the creative way.

-I have BIG plans for cooler weather and being outside, now I just need to work on Makafui lasting longer in the stroller.

-Who am I in the greater scheme of things and am I living up to the fullness God has for me?

-I love my little family and my little life.

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