Friday, June 1, 2012

Night Owl

Our precious baby seems pretty set on an 11pm bedtime. That freaked me out at first, but now I'm really seeing the benefits of it. This is why it's so awesome...

We both get more time with G. That's always a good thing!

I can do things in the evening that I didn't get done during the day because we aren't rushing the bedtime routine the second G gets home. I made zucchini bread at 10 last night.

For some reason, he sleeps better starting later, so I'm not up as often. A typical night (if we don't try to put him down too early, which results in hours of up and down, up and down) is down at 11 with feedings around 3 and 6. He's not up for the day until around 9 or 9:30.

He's not up for the day until 9 or 9:30!! This is craziness. I go back to sleep after the 6:something feeding, but I'm still up before him. I can shower, make and eat breakfast with two hands and get a jump start on house stuff.

He is getting better sleep and waking up happy and deliciously snuggly. Oh how I love our footie jammie snuggles (he's the one in the footie jammies, not me)!

Becuase he goes to bed so late, he can nap during dinner time, so G and I can have couple time.

I sure do love being his Mama!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

i'm glad he is giving you some morning sleep at least! you need it!
and i love morning snuggles too. meg comes to bed with us at some point in the night and i always love waking up with her sweet little self snuggled into me. unless she is snuggled into jeff and kicking me in the face :)
little M is getting big and oh so cute!