Monday, May 7, 2012

3 Months!!

Oh. My. Goodness. Can my baby reeeeally be 3 months old??

He has lost that newborn look (yes, it's a little sad for this Mama). His features are changing and developing in the sweetest sort of way, he's not just a cute baby anymore, he's Makafui!

We are having a blast with this little dude. I do believe that he gets MORE cute, MORE fun and MORE sweet each day!! Don't ask about what he gets more of each night!

He is a happy boy most of the (day) time. I love chatting with him after naps. He just smiles and smiles and goes on and on trying out different noises and cadences to those sounds. It is so flippin' precious!

He's always putting his fists in his mouth, but no real thumb or finger sucking-he's trying though, he's really trying. I will admit, I would kind of like if he would suck on his fingers for comfort. :)

He LOOOOOVES his blanket!! When he gets grumpy, all I have to do is swaddle him up. He rubs his face with the blanket and all is right with the world. It's pretty dang sweet.

This week he has started grabbing toys on purpose! I am very impressed.

He still sleeps in his swing. And I'm okay with that.

He's doing a lot better in social situations. He used to get easily overwhelmed by too many people and NEED to nurse to cope. He is suddenly doing much better and maybe even enjoying larger groups. Here he is with his cousin at about a month old (love this picture!).

And here they are this weekend. Muuuuch better! She's even holding his hand!

I don't count how often he eats anymore, but it's not nearly as often as it once was.  I realized the other day that I am actually getting things done around here! He is getting picky about meal time though, if I carry on a conversation while feeding him, he slowly and purposefully reaches up and grabs a handful of flesh (I won't say where that flesh is) as if to tell me to stop it. It's kind of funny.

We sure are loving watching him grow and seeing his personality blossom each day.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

i can't believe he is 3 months either!! love the pic of the three of you guys, and those curls!! so jealous of the curls.