Thursday, March 29, 2012


Today I am so grateful for a wonderful pediatrician, health insurance and medicine!!

After a few weeks of "normal baby behavior" (little sleep, lots of eating and crying) not only not getting better, but getting worse, I really started to get concerned for Makafui. He was smiling less and less, nursing more and more-as in, every hour and had become a very fussy baby who cried a lot. Night time was even worse and sleeping for 2 hours was a huge feat.

After lots of reading and research and a trip to the Dr., we have concluded that this poor little dude has Silent Reflux. Silent Reflux is like normal Reflux, minus the tell-tale spitting up, so it's even more painful for my sweet little baby and would explain why we didn't suspect this earlier.

Fortunately, there is medicine to make it better!! I feel so bad for my sweet boy and am sad that he's been in pain and we didn't realize it. :( The drugs take about a week for full effect, but I'm praying he starts to feel better sooner.

I'm so thankful for such a great Dr. who listened to my concerns and his symptoms and so glad to have insurance. Another upside of today is that the Dr. told me to let him sleep in his car seat or swing, so I can relax about the perfect sleep habits thing and getting him in his crib. :)


Kristen said...

oh thank goodness! so glad you got some answers. and hope sweet little guy starts feeling better soon. i had such horrible reflux when i was pregnant with meg and was in so much pain that it made me feel so bad for all those little babies with reflux and no way to tell anyone about it.

Sassafrass said...

So good to hear good news! I have a friend whose baby has the same thing and it is a tough diagnosis because its not seen! Hopefully things will get better soon!!!