Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Something happened...

Yesterday G found out that the job he makes the most doing and works the most hours will be closing his store. He's been given two weeks notice.
This is obviously not an easy pill to swallow. G is very concerned about our family and how he will provide for us. This news came as a serious surprise. When I found out, I wasn't too upset. I have great faith that God has an amazing plan for us and that He is going to show up soon.
That was yesterday, today is different (in comes rant). I shared this news with some people and asked for prayer. I asked for prayer only- not advice, not help, not opinions, just prayer. Sometimes people don't seem to get that all you need to do is say, "I'm here, I'm praying and God is big." That's all I want!! Instead, what I've been getting from some people are stupid suggestions that don't help us, that don't show much hope for our situation or even suggest that my husband can do or is worth having a really great job. That really hurts my feelings...and it kind of makes me mad.
We are open to what God has for us (Obviously! We're pregnant and will be living off of one part time retail job because we're "trusting"!!). But lame-a** jobs that are worse than what we currently have, make it impossible to have a real family life and have NO career growth indicate a level of desperation that we don't have. We aren't desperate because we have God. And yes, contrary to popular belief, we know how to use job searches, we know all the major companies in the area, we search constantly and we've tried it all!! Furthermore, just because X employer floods your e-mail box with their open jobs doesn't mean they are good jobs or that they are really hiring-I have a whole list of companies that fit on that list!
I don't know what we're going to do. I do know that this is not a surprise to God. Please, please pray for us!! And beware, if you give me any stupid suggestions like, "Has he tried that gas station 45 miles away? They are hiring for a night position...I think it's $8 an hour" I might just hurt you!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

oh wow, praying for you guys. (i know how hurtful and just down right maddening unsolicited advice can be.)