Friday, July 1, 2011

Bad to worse....but God is bigger.

Things are getting more and more interesting around here. I keep thinking God is going to show up like, POW any minute....I'm still waiting.
Yesterday I had a meeting with my boss. He told me the position I was hired for (Nursery Designer, remember? It was gonna be a super awesome job!) still doesn't really exist in my company and in all honesty, it probably never will. I wasn't surprised by this at all-I had already figured out that I was working for a bunch of snakes who don't value honesty, work ethic or really human rights. So, he said, "Where does that leave you??" (with a creepy, brooding gaze) "I'm here," I said. (What I wanted to say, but thank you Holy Spirit that I didn't was, "No sh*t! You people have a reputation for stringing people along! I'm not a freaking idiot-I figured out about the time you came aboard that I was not going to be the nursery designer and that you had every intention of cleaning house and giving me the boot. I'm just buying my time till my husband gets a career job. I hate this place, yo!") He went on to say that I have the talent to be an amazing sales associate (ok? I think a monkey could be an amazing sales associate too, I don't know that talent comes in to play). However, I just don't have the enthusiasm for it and I don't seem to have a great desire or love for working there. Because of my lack of enthusiasm, I have some decisions to make and if I don't, they'll make them for me. In short-I better be so excited to be taken advantage of, underpaid, lied to and ripped off that I'm about to pee myself every time I walk into work OOOORRRRRRRR, they fire me. My boss complimented me on several things actually, I do my job, I'm just not giddy enough about it.
I didn't really have anything to say in this meeting. I wasn't even really that upset or surprised. To compound the situation, G heard back about a job he interviewed for recently (he rocked the interview)....he didn't get the job.
At bedtime, the weight of losing my salary and health insurance hit me hard, and so did the tears. Where is God? Why do I work at this crazy place? When exactly will I get the axe and how will it go? Why can't my husband get a job? He's awesome! He'd be great at so many things! Why won't anyone hire him?!
So that's what's going on. Sucky. I know that God cares about this and sees this. I don't know why He hasn't moved yet. So we're calling all prayer warriors...PLEASE pray with us! We need peace and wisdom and strength. And G needs a job! A great job that will support us and has health insurance! We know our God is big, this waiting part is never fun though....


Kat said...

I am sorry! We are thinking about you...

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you have to go through this. I moved here from Ghana as well and one advice I can give is that in order to get a career job here, your husband will have to get some sort of US degree. US employers do not value foreign degrees, even though many of them are equivalent to US degrees. He doesn't have to go back to college, but a couple of classes and a certificate in say accounting will go a long way. Good luck.

Kristen said...

i was just thinking about you guys yesterday morning and wondering how things were going.

ugggg!! what a yucky situation. i am praying for you both.