Monday, May 23, 2011

R & R

It took us a little longer than most couples, but George and I finally went on a honeymoon! We waited and waited and planned and saved and it finally came! WOW! It was a much needed break, a wonderful time to relax, enjoy, explore, recharge and just be together. This was our very first trip together and was quite memorable. Fabulous is a great way to describe it, some pictures help too...
So I'm surprised I have the guts to post that last picture (I couldn't put it on facebook) but it really cracks me up. Yes, I am wearing a scandoulous swimsuit (I used to weigh more than 200lbs and I'm on my honeymoon, so whatever). What kills me is the look on G's face! What?! Is he trying out for ANTM? Lol!
Anyway, in addition to seeing great things, trying lots of new things, eating TONS and hanging out at the pool/hot tub/beach all day, we really got some time to reconnect and and get our tanks filled so to speak.
One of the things we loved the most was seeing God's great creation! It was inspiring to look around and see nothing but the ocean! He has created such wonderful things. We are inspired to trust in Him and His great plan for our lives, instead of in our own abilities for our future.
This trip really helped me to let go of my anger towards my job situation and my insecurity and anxiety about our future. I have peace that this great God who created the universe and gave people the brains to build a super-ship like what we were on, knows what's going on. I feel totally refreshed and renewed...and very, very blessed!!


Kristen said...

you guys make for one BEAUTIFUL couple!!
it sounds like the perfect trip at the perfect time.
i want to go on one!!!

Sue Anne McKinney said...

me, too! Your trip looks amazing and you are such a good looking couple!
I am always blown away how just being out in the mountains or on a beach seems to put my life back in perspective and bring such a peace. I'm so glad you got the chance to 'get away'!