Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Church People

Last night was our church group, which I normally love. Someone asked me about a prayer request I had brought up I gave an update. Then, more questions were asked. Before I knew it, I was in the throws of people's opinions and judgement (though they have no clue what's really going on). I felt stuck, and judged and attacked....and very, very sad.
Today I'm thinking, "Have I done that to people?" Do I judge and advise on what's going on in other people's lives instead of a simple, "I'm sorry." and some true prayer? Is that all that should be done? How should these church relationships work?
That's what I'll be thinking about as I put cribs together today. I really don't want to be a church person...

1 comment:

Mama B said...

Neither do I! I was just thinking about asking you how last night went. All I have to say is "I'm sorry!"